maven-surefire-junit5-tree-reporter copied to clipboard
Nested test tree not formatted correctly
When using nested tests, the "bars" that draw the test tree are incorrect, with the horizontal lines for the test classes originating a layer above where they should:
(note how for the 1st-level nested classes the horizontal line crosses 2 different vertical lines, while on the 2nd-level nested classes the horizonal line goes past the vertical line)
PS <snip>\tree-reporter> mvn test
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] -------------------------< test:tree-reporter >-------------------------
[INFO] Building tree-reporter 1.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] +--Outer - 0.056s
[INFO] | +-- [OK] testOuter1 - 0.016s
[INFO] | +-- [OK] testOuter2 - 0s
[INFO] | '-- [OK] testOuter3 - 0s
[INFO] +--.--Outer Inner 2 - 0.005s
[INFO] | | +-- [OK] testInner1 - 0.001s
[INFO] | | +-- [OK] testInner2 - 0.001s
[INFO] | | '-- [OK] testInner3 - 0.001s
[INFO] +--.--Outer Inner 3 - 0.005s
[INFO] | | +-- [OK] testInner1 - 0s
[INFO] | | +-- [OK] testInner2 - 0.001s
[INFO] | | '-- [OK] testInner3 - 0s
[INFO] | '--.--Outer Inner 3 Inner-er 2 - 0.013s
[INFO] | | +-- [OK] testInnerer1 - 0.001s
[INFO] | | +-- [OK] testInnerer2 - 0s
[INFO] | | '-- [OK] testInnerer3 - 0s
[INFO] | '--.--Outer Inner 3 Inner-er 3 - 0.013s
[INFO] | | +-- [OK] testInnerer1 - 0s
[INFO] | | +-- [OK] testInnerer2 - 0s
[INFO] | | '-- [OK] testInnerer3 - 0.001s
[INFO] | '--.--Outer Inner 3 Inner-er 1 - 0.013s
[INFO] | | +-- [OK] testInnerer1 - 0s
[INFO] | | +-- [OK] testInnerer2 - 0.001s
[INFO] | | '-- [OK] testInnerer3 - 0s
[INFO] +-----Outer Inner 1 - 0.005s
[INFO] | +-- [OK] testInner1 - 0s
[INFO] | +-- [OK] testInner2 - 0.001s
[INFO] | '-- [OK] testInner3 - 0s
[INFO] Results:
[INFO] Tests run: 21, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 1.787 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2023-05-18T03:39:04-07:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Also the @DisplayName
names seem to be getting appended at each level, which from the examples doesn't seem to be the expected.
Sorry for the delay and thanks for pointing out, I'll try working on this issue as soon as I can