maven-surefire-junit5-tree-reporter copied to clipboard
Parameterized tests looks strange
Hey, great project!
I have a parameterized test as follows:
public class SomeTest {
@Parameters(method = "values")
public void shouldBeOk(List<Integer> leaderboards, Integer count) {
assertThat(leaderboards.size(), is(count));
private Object[] values() {
return new Object[]{
new Object[]{List.of(), 0},
new Object[]{List.of(1), 1},
which looks like:
[INFO] ├─ shouldBeOk([], 0) [0] - 0.001s
[INFO] │ ├─ ✔ null - 0s
[INFO] │ └─ ✔ null - 0.001s
To compare:
Hey, sorry for the delay!
It seems to be related to this library JUnitParams. I think it changes the properties of the tests a little bit and it's causing them to be shown incorrectly.
I'll check if this project is able to support this library or if we have some limitations.
I've paired @DisplayName("") with the @ParameterizedTest(name = "") annotations. It appears to be a usable workaround.
@DisplayName("Test case for ")
@ParameterizedTest(name = "{0}")
@EnumSource(value = MyTestcase.class)
void shouldTestScenario(MyTestcase myTestcase)
Output is something like this, where VALUE_1 and VALUE_2 are my enum entries:
[INFO] +-- MyTestClass
[INFO] | +-- [OK] Test case for VALUE_1 - 9.132s
[INFO] | +-- [XX] Test case for VALUE_2 - 11.639s
There is one additional problem, though. The Error reporter does not show the @DisplayName or @ParameterizedTest info, so I have no idea which arguments actually failed. This gets hairy for me when I have 20 or so enum values.
[ERROR] Errors:
[ERROR] MyTestClass.shouldTestScenario(MyTestcase)[2]
[ERROR] Run 1: // omitted
[ERROR] Run 2: // omitted