When using verbose mode (python lichess-bot.py -v), lichess-bot displays debug text lines, using different colors to differentiate different info. When game finishes, there is an incorrect change to default text...
After challenging a user via Matchmaking, if challenged user declines the challenge, linux-bot should "remember" that for awhile, avoiding annoying the user and wasting time. I'm getting declines quite frequently...
As a challenge is received, linux-bot should decline if challenger is blocked. This information is available on challenger public info (https://lichess.org/api/user/{user}), on field "blocking".
Fullscreen button is visible on Chrome/Windows when on landscape mode, but not on portrait mode. It might depend on the screen size and resolution. Perhaps it is just a matter...
It's really annoying when you go to a previously used Console tab in a browser and try to rerun a previously used SQL query, just to realize that your session...