fabric8-pipeline-library icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
fabric8-pipeline-library copied to clipboard

Incorrect namespace created

Open magick93 opened this issue 7 years ago • 1 comments

Steps to reproduce

  1. Add def envStage = utils.environmentNamespace('my-project') to a Jenkinsfile
  2. Run in Jenkins


We would expect a new namespace of 'my-project' is created.

Actual 'default-my-project' is created.

magick93 avatar Feb 01 '17 12:02 magick93

I don't think that's the purpose of that function: https://github.com/fabric8io/fabric8-pipeline-library/blob/master/src/io/fabric8/Utils.groovy#L20

nickdgriffin avatar Feb 02 '17 00:02 nickdgriffin