vscode-statusbar-debugger copied to clipboard
Adds a debugger to the statusbar, less intrusive than the default floating one.
Here is my launch.json file: ``` { // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible Node.js debug attributes. // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes. // For more information, visit:...
Currently clicking bug icon when the process is running stops debug session. as there is already a button for this, it's nice if it opens the debug console.
Good afternoon, It would be great if you could add a Toggle Activate Breakpoints button to the tool (workbench.debug.viewlet.action.toggleBreakpointsActivatedAction). Thanks a lot for this great extension, btw! Regards, Jaime
In the "old" toolbar, I could clearly see which buttons/actions are enabled/available. It's more difficult to say here. For example, I don't know if my debugger is paused currently or...