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A work-in-progress HTML sanitizer that strives for: performance like window.Sanitizer, readiness like DOMPurify, and ability to run in a WebWorker like neither of those.


A work-in-progress HTML sanitizer that strives for: performance like window.Sanitizer, readiness like DOMPurify, and ability to run in a WebWorker like neither of those.

This is basically an implementation of a subset of the upcoming Sanitizer API, but it also supports SVG and MathML out of the box.


npm install --save amuchina


import Amuchina from 'amuchina';

const amuchina = new Amuchina ();
const parser = new DOMParser ();

const parse = ( html: string ) => parser.parseFromString ( html, 'text/html' );

amuchina.sanitize ( parse ( `<img src="/err" onerror="javascript:alert('naughty!')" />` ) );


MIT © Fabio Spampinato