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Push notification library for React.js

npm version


Easy, type-safe, & lightweight push notification library for React.js. Written in TypeScript & compiled to JavaScript for robust code.

In-app notification system, as well as web native Notification support.


yarn add react-push-notification


npm i react-push-notification


In-app notification example. Regular React components.

Web native notification example. Web native components. Send push notifications outside of the browser while the browser is running in the background or just idle.

Mac OSX example:


Add the notifications component to the top of your React.js project. This is probably index.js or app.js. When using native: true, this step is not required.

import { Notifications } from 'react-push-notification';

const App = () => {
    return (
      <div className="app">
        // Top of DOM tree
        <Notifications />
        <div className="row">
          <div className="content">
           Hello world.

export default App;


import the addNotification function and call it.

import addNotification from 'react-push-notification';

const Page = () => {

    const buttonClick = () => {
            title: 'Warning',
            subtitle: 'This is a subtitle',
            message: 'This is a very long message',
            theme: 'darkblue',
            native: true // when using native, your OS will handle theming.

    return (
      <div className="page">
          <button onClick={buttonClick} className="button">
           Hello world.

export default Page;

<Notifications /> Props

Property Description
position string One of top-left, top-middle, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-middle, bottom-right.
Default: top-left

addNotification({Options}) argument properties

The addNotification() function has the following function type:

const options = {
    title: 'title',
    subtitle: 'subtitle', //optional
    message: 'message', //optional
    onClick: (e: Event | Notification) => void, //optional, onClick callback.
    theme: 'red', //optional, default: undefined
    duration: 3000, //optional, default: 5000,
    backgroundTop: 'green', //optional, background color of top container.
    backgroundBottom: 'darkgreen', //optional, background color of bottom container.
    colorTop: 'green', //optional, font color of top container.
    colorBottom: 'darkgreen', //optional, font color of bottom container.
    closeButton: 'Go away', //optional, text or html/jsx element for close text. Default: Close,
    native?: boolean, //optional, makes the push notification a native OS notification
    icon?: string, // optional, Native only. Sets an icon for the notification.
    vibrate?: number | number[], // optional, Native only. Sets a vibration for the notification.
    silent?: boolean // optional, Native only. Makes the notification silent.


const addNotification: (options: Options) => void;


The addNotification() function takes an object as argument with the follow properties:

Property Description
title string Required. Title of the push notification
subtitle string Optional. Subtitle of the push notification
message string Optional. Message of the push notification
onClick (e: Event OR Notification) => void Optional. onClick callback of push notification.
When native: true e will be of type Notification.
Else e will be of type Event.
theme string Optional. One of darkblue, red, light, undefined.
Default: undefined
duration number Optional. Duration of the push notification in ms.
Default: 3000
backgroundTop string Optional. background color of top container.
backgroundBottom string Optional. background color of bottom container.
colorTop string Optional. font color of top container.
colorBottom string Optional. font color of bottom container.
closeButton string Optional. text or html/jsx element for close text.
Default: Close
native boolean Optional. Turns the notification into a native web notification.
Default: false
icon string Optional. Native only. Shows an icon in the notification.
vibrate number number[]
silent boolean Optional. Native only. Makes the notification silent.

The custom background or font colors will always override a chosen theme.



Added native OS push notification support, as well as an onClick callback function.