Fabio Lima
Fabio Lima
There is an interesting Gist document related the problem: [PostgreSQL collation is a massive footgun](https://gist.github.com/rraval/ef4e4bdc63e68fe3e83c9f98f56af7a4). Also check this Gist comment: [Functions for generating Segment's KSUIDs on PostgreSQL](https://gist.github.com/fabiolimace/5e7923803566beefaf3c716d1343ae27?permalink_comment_id=4499360#gistcomment-4499360). They had to...
Here are some tests based on [Fabio Telles'](https://savepoint.blog.br/2018/02/17/chaves-artificiais-no-postgresql-desempenho/) article (in Portuguese): [UUID insert tests](https://gist.github.com/fabiolimace/72dd9e4d324404c99a213ccac0ae1a05). Result of Test 1 (generate each UUID **while** inserting): ``` BTREE TABLE DURATION (MS) DIRATION (HUMAN)...
Sure! Done.
I don't know. I don't know anything about Kubernetes. Is pod [ordinal index](https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/building-enterprise-javascript/9781788477321/6d944ce3-a323-4988-9638-70b6e3a52a27.xhtml) in a [StatefulSet](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/statefulset/#pod-identity) workload an option? I found some links related to this here on Github: *...
This blog post shows how to generate snowflakes on Kubernetes: [Generating Unique 64 bit IDs with Go on Kubernetes](https://outcrawl.com/generating-unique-ids-kubernetes). The **POD ID** is derived from the **IP address** provided with...
Hi @ycrao ! So my example using `~/.profile` is useless. I'll try to fix the example another day. Thanks for letting me know. As for your Java class, the code...
Very good! There's a [similar strategy](https://github.com/moby/moby/issues/29110#issuecomment-274339807) which also uses a wrapper file. Contents of `env-wrapper`: ```bash #!/bin/bash # the node number is derived from the least significant 16 bits of...
Thanks for asking, @aseychell .
Hi @JuanCarlosGonzalez ! I think you could build a [`TsidFactory`](https://javadoc.io/doc/com.github.f4b6a3/tsid-creator/latest/com.github.f4b6a3.tsid/com/github/f4b6a3/tsid/TsidFactory.html) every time you need to generate a new TSID with a different node ID. This is the approach I use...