ImprovementUI copied to clipboard
Installing bricks my machine
I have a MacBook Pro running on Catalina with the dosdude1 patcher. When I installed CatalinaUI, I rebooted and my machine will no longer boot to the login screen or recovery.
Disable SIP (csrutil disable) and disable AMFI (In the Terminal window, type in: nvram boot-args="-no_compat_check amfi_get_out_of_my_way=0x1" (with quotes) and press Enter)
I have the same issue and... first mi finder relaunch a lot of times, never end, I reboot and the login screen never appears... what can I do??
Did you install the correct version?
To remove: boot in single user mode and type: sh /Library/
To install: First, disable SIP and AMFI. (The SIP NVRAM Var needs to be disabled and AMFI also). Download the correct version. Open the terminal, type: sudo mount -uw /; (press Enter) Run ImprovementUI.
what can I do here?
Type "sudo" before "nvram". sudo nvram boot-args="-no_compat_check amfi_get_out_of_my_way=0x1";
Bricks my machine again
Boot in verbose mode (command v) and post the screen when the system stop to loading
My screen it’s black and sometimes appears de arrow
is the SIP really disabled? this happened because the appkit was not signed correctly on your system.
I make everything again...I reinstall the OS
The same I surrender 😣
@fabioiop If you can help me via zoom or whatever I can pay ... you have an email?
If you are using the terminal in recovery you do not need to use sudo only need sudo if you are using the terminal in macOS
The same I surrender 😣
Step by step:
- Disable SIP ( Reboot your Mac into install disk Click Utilities > Terminal. In the Terminal window, type in: csrutil disable and press Enter. )
- Reboot and login.
- Check if SIP is really disabled ( In the Terminal window, type in: csrutil status (press Enter) The response must be: "Apple Internal: disabled" )
- Disable AMFI no terminal ( In the Terminal window, type in: sudo nvram boot-args="-no_compat_check amfi_get_out_of_my_way=0x1" (with quotes) and press Enter )
- In the Terminal window, type in: sudo mount -uw / and press Enter.
- Install the ImprovementUI (wait to finished)
- After installed successfully, you can use the macOS normally without reboot.
- Yes, you can reboot if you want.
- If the step 7. was successfully, the reboot will not any problem. But, if stuck on boot screen, you can remove the fix (check the read me file) or try re-codesign the files: ( Boot in the Sigle User (command + S) type in: mount -uw / and press Enter codesign -f -s - /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/Current/AppKit (press Enter) codesign -f -s - /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox (press Enter) type: reboot )
I hope this help.
@manuelelias1990 this did not brick your machine, bricking your machine mean it is fubar nothing at all. And I have had this happen to me at one time I just booted into the Catalina Patcher replied the post install patches-force cache rebuild and was able to get into my desktop
I used the 10.15.5 version in my MBP8,1 and worked flawlessly
macOS 10.15.6. (dosdude-patched) ends up booting to a black screen (the cursor flashes if the mouse is moved). AMFI and SIP are both disabled. Restore-script worked from the single user mode. Tried 3 times, no luck.
macOS 10.15.6. (dosdude-patched) ends up booting to a black screen (the cursor flashes if the mouse is moved). AMFI and SIP are both disabled. Restore-script worked from the single user mode. Tried 3 times, no luck.
Strange situation. Something blocking the edited binary, like antivirus or similar?
I've tested in a new installation and everything okay, the image is after new boot (cold boot).
macOS 10.15.6. (dosdude-patched) ends up booting to a black screen (the cursor flashes if the mouse is moved). AMFI and SIP are both disabled. Restore-script worked from the single user mode. Tried 3 times, no luck.
Strange situation. Something blocking the edited binary, like antivirus or similar?
I don't have AV installed. macOS was updated from dd-patched 10.15.5. I might give a clean install a try someday.
I did the clean install. SIP is disabled by default. Before running UI patch I disabled AMFI (as I've done before). After patching was completed, I attempted to restart the machine (Mac mini 5,1) but it hanged (all apps were closed but nothing happened after that). I managed to sudo reboot via CLI and everything seems fine so far.
I did the clean install. SIP is disabled by default. Before running UI patch I disabled AMFI (as I've done before). After patching was completed, I attempted to restart the machine (Mac mini 5,1) but it hanged (all apps were closed but nothing happened after that). I managed to sudo reboot via CLI and everything seems fine so far.
Okay, you can try this, if you want. Download the attached file. Open read me file to instructions.
I did clean install again, disabled AMFI and executed the script using the AppKit on the root of the zip file. Rebooted flawlessly and everything's OK!
I did clean install again, disabled AMFI and executed the script using the AppKit on the root of the zip file. Rebooted flawlessly and everything's OK!
Great!! You can use the hitoolbox script (like appkit) to fix the dock menus. Sorry, I forgot to send this one together inside the zip.
Hi, can you help me solve this error?
MacBookPro8,2 Catalina 10.15.7 (19H2)
thank you very much
Hi, can you help me solve this error?
MacBookPro8,2 Catalina 10.15.7 (19H2)
thank you very much
Run CatalinaUI and Remove; Open terminal and type: sudo xcode-select --install (press Enter and wait to finish); Run the fix again;
Hi, can you help me solve this error? MacBookPro8,2 Catalina 10.15.7 (19H2) thank you very much
Run CatalinaUI and Remove; Open terminal and type: sudo xcode-select --install (press Enter and wait to finish); Run the fix again;
Hi @fabioiop thank you very much for your help, the issue is resolved.
PS: if it can help others, I couldn't install xcode with "sudo xcode-select --install" because it displays the following error
to do this I have directly downloaded Command_Line_Tools_for_Xcode_12.1_GM_seed.dmg from
Hi, can you help me solve this error? MacBookPro8,2 Catalina 10.15.7 (19H2) thank you very much
Run CatalinaUI and Remove; Open terminal and type: sudo xcode-select --install (press Enter and wait to finish); Run the fix again;
Hi @fabioiop thank you very much for your help, the issue is resolved.
PS: if it can help others, I couldn't install xcode with "sudo xcode-select --install" because it displays the following error
to do this I have directly downloaded Command_Line_Tools_for_Xcode_12.1_GM_seed.dmg from
I cannot remove ImprovementUI from Single User Mode