django-colorfield icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
django-colorfield copied to clipboard

:art: color field for django models with a nice color-picker in the admin.

Results 12 django-colorfield issues
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JSColor is only GNU GPL v3 for open source, GNU GPL v3 compatible, licenses. For anything else it requires a paid commercial license.

updates: - [ v0.1.15 → v0.2.0](

Updates the requirements on [pre-commit]( to permit the latest version. Release notes Sourced from pre-commit's releases. pre-commit v3.6.0 Features Check minimum_pre_commit_version first when parsing configs. #3092 PR by @​asottile. Fixes...

python ## Upvote & Fund - We're using []( so you can upvote and help fund this issue. - We receive the funding once the issue is completed & confirmed...


Color can be auto generated at object save, and therefor can be read only in admin panel. It would be great if the color chip whould stay even on readonly...


I am using django-colorfield in one of my project, it's awesome but I needed a way to get a list overview of the color to make sure they don't clash...


Updates the requirements on [coverage]( to permit the latest version. Changelog Sourced from coverage's changelog. Version 7.5.0 — 2024-04-23 Added initial support for function and class reporting in the HTML...


Updates the requirements on [tox]( to permit the latest version. Release notes Sourced from tox's releases. 4.15.0 What's Changed Remove duplicated and misleading configuration section by @​jugmac00 in tox-dev/tox#3251 Fix...


Update versions of pre-commit hooks to latest version.