Fabien Vauchelles
Fabien Vauchelles
Hello @law2004 , do you always have this issue ? Is it fully crashing scrapoxy ? Thanks, Fabien.
Hello @shairyar , I cannot reproduce on DO. It is working fine for me. Can you provide me a full logtrace ? I'll try to understand what it is happening....
Hello @rkmfl , I've just tested images : it works fine. Can you details your problem ? Thanks, Fabien.
Hello @sumanpoluri , did you tried to set a password ? Fabien.
Hello @law2004 , Do you always have this problem ? Thanks, Fabien.
Hello @osiast , Do you have other VM running on DO ? Thanks, Fabien.
Ok. I could add a default password, which can be changed. What do you think @anisgandoura ?
hello @anisgandoura , does it happen again ? thx, fabien
Hello @francoismartin Good idea ! I will check on it. In the meantime, you can make a pull request :) Thx, Fabien.
Tag added :)