Fabien MIT
Fabien MIT
Hello, My versions : @menteora/vuetify-extra : 1.0.0-beta.0 vuetify : 2.5.3 My code Main.js ``` import App from './App.vue' import Vue from 'vue' import vuetify from './plugins/vuetify'; import VuetifyExtra from '@menteora/vuetify-extra'...
Hi, I'm getting the same result as @cirdog too. I am on laravel version 6 , I can't come back to brexis/workflow version 1.2 Did someone find a solution or...
Hello, To solve it, In the WorkflowRegistry class and addFromArray function , remove the foreach and only add the $builder->addTransition row $builder->addTransition(new Transition($transitionName, $transition['from'], $transition['to'])); /*foreach ((array)$transition['from'] as $form) {...
Hello, In App\Providers\EventServiceProvider file, you have to add your listener class into $subscribe : protected $subscribe = [ 'App\Listeners\ApprovalWorkflowListeners', ]; Fabien
Hello, I had the same error message with the multiple_state type (not with single_state) To solve it with the multiple_state, you have to specify the field of your argument in...