neverEndingProcessAndroid7- copied to clipboard
Killed when swiped from recent or removed from task manager.
When the application is swiped, it also killed the service.
permission should be Enabled to the application. This will automatically restart the service if it's been remove or swipe from the TaskManager.
The problem here is you won't be able to programmatically do that (unless your phone is rooted) as it's a part of the security and battery saver features of MIUI. However, you can show the AUTOSTART
option and let the user Enabled
it for the application.
private void ShowAutoStartOption() {
try {
Intent intent = new Intent();
String manufacturer = android.os.Build.MANUFACTURER;
if ("xiaomi".equalsIgnoreCase(manufacturer)) {
intent.setComponent(new ComponentName("com.miui.securitycenter", "com.miui.permcenter.autostart.AutoStartManagementActivity"));
} else if ("oppo".equalsIgnoreCase(manufacturer)) {
intent.setComponent(new ComponentName("com.coloros.safecenter", "com.coloros.safecenter.permission.startup.StartupAppListActivity"));
} else if ("vivo".equalsIgnoreCase(manufacturer)) {
intent.setComponent(new ComponentName("", ""));
} else if ("Letv".equalsIgnoreCase(manufacturer)) {
intent.setComponent(new ComponentName("", ""));
} else if ("Honor".equalsIgnoreCase(manufacturer)) {
intent.setComponent(new ComponentName("com.huawei.systemmanager", "com.huawei.systemmanager.optimize.process.ProtectActivity"));
List<ResolveInfo> list = getPackageManager().queryIntentActivities(intent, PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY);
if (list.size() > 0) {
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e("exc" , String.valueOf(e));
Known applications such as Facebook
, Facebook Messenger
, Twitter
, Instagram
, WhatsApp
are whitelisted by the manufacturer and will have the option enabled automatically when you installed those apps.