It sure is. I was able to [downgrade this to 6.3.0](https://github.com/fab1o/eslint-config/blob/master/packages/eslint-config-base/package.json#L26) without issues so that solved it, but I just wanted to leave this here for future reference and knowledge...
Hi. There's a mistake on this page: https://exploringjs.com/impatient-js/ch_async-functions.html#await-and-rejected-promises ```js try { await new Error(); assert.fail(); // actuallly we do get here } catch (e) { assert.equal(e instanceof Error, true); //...
On Mac, go to your `user/.config/karabiner/karabiner.json` Add this piece of json to your `"rules"` in `"complex_modifications"` ```json { "description": "Option(Alt)+Tab as Switch Application (Command+Tab)", "manipulators": [ { "from": { "key_code":...
@cedx I'm having this issue as well, it's failing my build process. Can we reopen this and get this fixed please?
@cedx Thanks! I started it but I think I'm missing something cos `npm test` is not passing, could you take a look? https://github.com/esdoc/esdoc-plugins/pull/101 @h13i32maru I'm not sure I understand how...
Where is this esdoc-next located? https://github.com/DanielRuf/esdoc-next is 404
Ok, thanks. I used [ESDoc2](https://github.com/esdoc2/esdoc2) and it worked!
Nevermind, ESDoc2 seems to be worse than this, I'm still trying to find a solution.... 😔 https://github.com/esdoc2/esdoc2/issues/32
the config lives in the root folder and `entry.js` lives in the source folder
Yes, it works now. But I was hoping that it'd just ignore if it can't find the file. Because I want the config to be shared among different projects that...