
Results 122 comments of f4nff

``` C:\Users\xx>curl -k -H "accept: application/dns-json" "https://[2001:4860:4860::64]/resolve?name=cloudflare.com&type=A" -v --insecure * Trying 2001:4860:4860::64:443... * Connected to 2001:4860:4860::64 (2001:4860:4860::64) port 443 (#0) * schannel: disabled automatic use of client certificate * schannel:...



I hope dnsproxy will add such a function, customize sni/host/ip

Only sni+host can be customized, and sni host cannot be separated independently.

I have tested, sni/host/ip:port Are three independent variables,

stamp Only host+sni can be set, host and sni set the same value, and cannot be set independently

sni is the identification code of the tls handshake, host is the host value of the http protocol ip is the connection address, The three values are different. stamp Only...

Because in some places, such as the firewall of China, sni will block dns.google, so you can use a specific sni to evade the firewall

@honwen sni host ip:port can be customized separately to make sense.