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Crashes when My Position is changed with ADS-B demod open and airport database not loaded
I am finding that any time I attempt to change "my position" under "preferences" on Mac OS version 7.3.1 the application crashes as soon as I click "ok." I had the same issue in 7.1.0 and updated to 7.3.1, but that did not resolve the issue.
Seems OK for me.
What features / channels do you have open?
What position do you enter (does it matter)?
Screenshot pre-crash might help.
To make things clean, I closed now the only channel I had open (ads-b demodulator). After closing it, the problem was resolved. So, it seems that changing your position while having the ads-b demodulator open on Mac causes the crash. I was able to do the same procedure on Windows without issue.
So in a round about way you solved the problem for me - so thanks! But it is perhaps a problem - since it seems you should be able to change your position while the ads-b demodulator channel is open.
Doesn't seem to be a problem on Windows, but can reproduce on Mac.
Launched the DMG-version: crashed! Launched again: doesn't startup anymore.
Launched my selfcompiled version: OK!!
I mean crashed: in ADSB of course
Same issue on 7.3.2-win64 on Windows 10. I have also been using the ADS-B feature during the times I've tried to change "My Position" and after clicking "ok" in that dialog window.
Crash occurs when airport database doesn't exist. Should be fixed in above patch.