rx-preferences copied to clipboard
Reactive SharedPreferences for Android
i'm currently using **rxPreferences** with [EncryptedSharedPreference](https://developer.android.com/reference/androidx/security/crypto/EncryptedSharedPreferences) and works fine except when i try to for ex: `someList.delete()` it deletes the key only but not notifying that the list becomes empty...
while writing unit testing, I cannot return the rxPreference.getString() as Preference since RealPreference() class is the only class which implements Preference that too final class. org.mockito.exceptions.misusing.WrongTypeOfReturnValue: String cannot be returned...
Getting the following error while trying to build, Please help to resolve the issue. **8: error: [Dagger/MissingBinding] com.f2prateek.rx.preferences2.Preference cannot be provided without an @Provides-annotated method.**
I have rewritten MemoryPreference a few times in various projects for tests and mock mode. ```java public final class MemoryPreference implements Preference { private final String key; private final T...
Don't use the latest. Was my bad!
new method to allow synchronized set (apply is async)
I'm migrating my Adapters to Converters. If in my prefs.xml I have a key with value `null` how am I supposed to easily migrate `Adapter` to `Converter`? Can you confirm...
Is it possible to bulk set/observe several values? For example I have one string and two enums, which I set at the same time. Currently this causes as to be...
This is in O, but there's a version in the support lib. Allows swapping of plain/encrypted stores or building your own using whatever you want.