BT-Framework copied to clipboard
BT Framework is a behavior tree framework that can be used to create game AI. It's written for Unity3d.
BT Framework is a simple behavior tree framework that can be used to create game AI. It's written for Unity3d.
- Minimum dependencies on Unity3d, so it won't pollute your inspector.
- Extendable to handle customized logic nodes, though classic logic nodes, like sequence, priority selector, parallel, are provided.
- Communication between local nodes, cross-tree nodes, and other scripts are possible by the use of blackboard system.
- Enter, Execute, Exit api support for action nodes.
How to use
Create various actions and pre-conditions inheriting from BTAction and BTPrecondition.
Create a class inheriting from BTTree, and construct the behavior tree in Init function.
Drag the class to a GameObject.
It's this simple!
A simple example:
// A class inheriting from BTTree
protected override void Init () {
// Initialize base class
// Create root node
_root = new BTPrioritySelector();
// ---Construct the behavior tree---
// Escape when boss is close
DistanceClosePrecondition bossClose = new DistanceClosePrecondition("Boss");
_root.AddChild (new DoRun(bossClose));
// Fight when a goblin is close
DistanceClosePrecondition goblinClose = new DistanceClosePrecondition("Goblin");
_root.AddChild (new DoFight(goblinClose));
// Do nothing when boss & goblin not around
_root.AddChild (new Idle());
where DistanceClosePrecondition are user defined precondition that inherits from BTPrecondition, and
DoRun, DoFight, Idle are user defined behaviors that inherit from BTAction.
Example demos:
Ludum Dare 48-hour game jam entry: [Swordsman] (
Code Demo: [BT Test Improved] (
Code Demo: [BT Test Original] (
Platformer Demo: [Archer] (