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Update Core.ColorKeywords default list
I realize this can be configured to anyones liking, however it would be great if the default list of Color Keywords could be updated.
As of right now, all major browsers support 140 different color keywords.
Yeah, someone just needs to schlep the mapping into a machine readable form, and then I'll put it in.
I have add it in /library/HTMLPurifier/ConfigSchema/schema/Core.ColorKeywords.txt and rebuild schema.ser with "php maintenance/generate-schema-cache.php" Result: "Saving schema... done!"
I don't use lower case keywords, because its better readable, so I add after this line $colors = array_change_key_case($colors, CASE_LOWER); source:
Core.ColorKeywords TYPE: hash VERSION: 2.0.0 --DEFAULT-- array ( 'maroon' => '#800000', 'red' => '#FF0000', 'orange' => '#FFA500', 'yellow' => '#FFFF00', 'olive' => '#808000', 'purple' => '#800080', 'fuchsia' => '#FF00FF', 'white' => '#FFFFFF', 'lime' => '#00FF00', 'green' => '#008000', 'navy' => '#000080', 'blue' => '#0000FF', 'aqua' => '#00FFFF', 'teal' => '#008080', 'black' => '#000000', 'silver' => '#C0C0C0', 'gray' => '#808080',
// 'AliceBlue' => '#F0F8FF', 'AntiqueWhite' => '#FAEBD7', 'Aqua' => '#00FFFF', 'Aquamarine' => '#7FFFD4', 'Azure' => '#F0FFFF', 'Beige' => '#F5F5DC', 'Bisque' => '#FFE4C4', 'Black' => '#000000', 'BlanchedAlmond' => '#FFEBCD', 'Blue' => '#0000FF', 'BlueViolet' => '#8A2BE2', 'Brown' => '#A52A2A', 'BurlyWood' => '#DEB887', 'CadetBlue' => '#5F9EA0', 'Chartreuse' => '#7FFF00', 'Chocolate' => '#D2691E', 'Coral' => '#FF7F50', 'CornflowerBlue' => '#6495ED', 'Cornsilk' => '#FFF8DC', 'Crimson' => '#DC143C', 'Cyan' => '#00FFFF', 'DarkBlue' => '#00008B', 'DarkCyan' => '#008B8B', 'DarkGoldenRod' => '#B8860B', 'DarkGray' => '#A9A9A9', 'DarkGrey' => '#A9A9A9', 'DarkGreen' => '#006400', 'DarkKhaki' => '#BDB76B', 'DarkMagenta' => '#8B008B', 'DarkOliveGreen' => '#556B2F', 'DarkOrange' => '#FF8C00', 'DarkOrchid' => '#9932CC', 'DarkRed' => '#8B0000', 'DarkSalmon' => '#E9967A', 'DarkSeaGreen' => '#8FBC8F', 'DarkSlateBlue' => '#483D8B', 'DarkSlateGray' => '#2F4F4F', 'DarkSlateGrey' => '#2F4F4F', 'DarkTurquoise' => '#00CED1', 'DarkViolet' => '#9400D3', 'DeepPink' => '#FF1493', 'DeepSkyBlue' => '#00BFFF', 'DimGray' => '#696969', 'DimGrey' => '#696969', 'DodgerBlue' => '#1E90FF', 'FireBrick' => '#B22222', 'FloralWhite' => '#FFFAF0', 'ForestGreen' => '#228B22', 'Fuchsia' => '#FF00FF', 'Gainsboro' => '#DCDCDC', 'GhostWhite' => '#F8F8FF', 'Gold' => '#FFD700', 'GoldenRod' => '#DAA520', 'Gray' => '#808080', 'Grey' => '#808080', 'Green' => '#008000', 'GreenYellow' => '#ADFF2F', 'HoneyDew' => '#F0FFF0', 'HotPink' => '#FF69B4', 'IndianRed' => '#CD5C5C', 'Indigo' => '#4B0082', 'Ivory' => '#FFFFF0', 'Khaki' => '#F0E68C', 'Lavender' => '#E6E6FA', 'LavenderBlush' => '#FFF0F5', 'LawnGreen' => '#7CFC00', 'LemonChiffon' => '#FFFACD', 'LightBlue' => '#ADD8E6', 'LightCoral' => '#F08080', 'LightCyan' => '#E0FFFF', 'LightGoldenRodYellow' => '#FAFAD2', 'LightGray' => '#D3D3D3', 'LightGrey' => '#D3D3D3', 'LightGreen' => '#90EE90', 'LightPink' => '#FFB6C1', 'LightSalmon' => '#FFA07A', 'LightSeaGreen' => '#20B2AA', 'LightSkyBlue' => '#87CEFA', 'LightSlateGray' => '#778899', 'LightSlateGrey' => '#778899', 'LightSteelBlue' => '#B0C4DE', 'LightYellow' => '#FFFFE0', 'Lime' => '#00FF00', 'LimeGreen' => '#32CD32', 'Linen' => '#FAF0E6', 'Magenta' => '#FF00FF', 'Maroon' => '#800000', 'MediumAquaMarine' => '#66CDAA', 'MediumBlue' => '#0000CD', 'MediumOrchid' => '#BA55D3', 'MediumPurple' => '#9370DB', 'MediumSeaGreen' => '#3CB371', 'MediumSlateBlue' => '#7B68EE', 'MediumSpringGreen' => '#00FA9A', 'MediumTurquoise' => '#48D1CC', 'MediumVioletRed' => '#C71585', 'MidnightBlue' => '#191970', 'MintCream' => '#F5FFFA', 'MistyRose' => '#FFE4E1', 'Moccasin' => '#FFE4B5', 'NavajoWhite' => '#FFDEAD', 'Navy' => '#000080', 'OldLace' => '#FDF5E6', 'Olive' => '#808000', 'OliveDrab' => '#6B8E23', 'Orange' => '#FFA500', 'OrangeRed' => '#FF4500', 'Orchid' => '#DA70D6', 'PaleGoldenRod' => '#EEE8AA', 'PaleGreen' => '#98FB98', 'PaleTurquoise' => '#AFEEEE', 'PaleVioletRed' => '#DB7093', 'PapayaWhip' => '#FFEFD5', 'PeachPuff' => '#FFDAB9', 'Peru' => '#CD853F', 'Pink' => '#FFC0CB', 'Plum' => '#DDA0DD', 'PowderBlue' => '#B0E0E6', 'Purple' => '#800080', 'RebeccaPurple' => '#663399', 'Red' => '#FF0000', 'RosyBrown' => '#BC8F8F', 'RoyalBlue' => '#4169E1', 'SaddleBrown' => '#8B4513', 'Salmon' => '#FA8072', 'SandyBrown' => '#F4A460', 'SeaGreen' => '#2E8B57', 'SeaShell' => '#FFF5EE', 'Sienna' => '#A0522D', 'Silver' => '#C0C0C0', 'SkyBlue' => '#87CEEB', 'SlateBlue' => '#6A5ACD', 'SlateGray' => '#708090', 'SlateGrey' => '#708090', 'Snow' => '#FFFAFA', 'SpringGreen' => '#00FF7F', 'SteelBlue' => '#4682B4', 'Tan' => '#D2B48C', 'Teal' => '#008080', 'Thistle' => '#D8BFD8', 'Tomato' => '#FF6347', 'Turquoise' => '#40E0D0', 'Violet' => '#EE82EE', 'Wheat' => '#F5DEB3', 'White' => '#FFFFFF', 'WhiteSmoke' => '#F5F5F5', 'Yellow' => '#FFFF00', 'YellowGreen' => '#9ACD32', ) --DESCRIPTION--
Lookup array of color names to six digit hexadecimal number corresponding to color, with preceding hash mark. Used when parsing colors. The lookup is done in a case-insensitive manner. --# vim: et sw=4 sts=4
@ezyang Would you this add to master?
Oh, looks like it's already merged but not release yet. #176
looks like only lower case keywords works~