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eZ Publish 5.x / eZ Platform Cookbook examples
``` shell $ php ezpublish/console ezpublish:cookbook:create_content_type_draft my_type_identifier Content Content type draft created with ID 46 $ php ezpublish/console -v ezpublish:cookbook:update_content_type_draft 45 \ --name "My Type Identifier" \ --description "Content type...
New command to update some content metadata (owner, published date and modification date).
setCurrentUser() is deprecated since 6.6, to be removed. Use PermissionResolver::setCurrentUserReference() like indicated in :
This PR intends to add to translating subtree command to this cookbook.
Right now all commands start with `ezpublish:cookbook`. To indicate that this is now aimed for eZ Platform we should change it to `ezplatform:cookbook`.
To be consistent I think it's worth to add `.php_cs` config file (taken e.g. from `ezpublish-kernel`) and fix CS. Note: I don't actually aim here to add some CI on...
To prepare for eZ Platform 2.0 we need to check and fix Symfony 3.x deprecations.
Let's make CookbookBundle a composer package to simplify installation ("type": "ezplatform-bundle", so people can find this bundle).
Hi, I've been trying to create a contentObject with your script. When I run the command, I've got this error : SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'priority' in...