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what is the proper way to use multidimensional maps

Open alperyilmaz opened this issue 2 years ago • 3 comments

I'm having difficulty generating multidimensional maps with frawk.

let's try to get yearly sales report for some products. here's data

$ echo -n -e "year,product,sold\n2021,A,50\n2021,B,100\n2021,A,70\n2020,A,10" > sales.csv
$ cat sales.csv

with awk we can do

$ awk -F"," 'NR>1 {sales[$1][$2] += $3}END{for (year in sales){ for (prod in sales[year]){print year, prod, sales[year][prod]}}}' sales.csv
2020 A 10
2021 A 120
2021 B 100

let's try with frawk (I omitted print part, just trying to build the map)

$ cat sales.csv | frawk -icsv -H '{sales[$1][$2] += $3}'
error compiling cranelift: [src/] kinds do not match. Map { key: None, val: Some(Int) } vs Scalar(None)

what is the trick to generate multidimensional maps in frawk? do we need some sort of initialization at the beginning?

alperyilmaz avatar Sep 04 '21 01:09 alperyilmaz