Enrico Zimuel

Results 104 comments of Enrico Zimuel

@hacfi which version of PHP and `elasticsearch-php` are you using? Thanks.

@sonklein thanks for reporting the issue! It seems an issue of the code generator, we forgot to set the `use` when we specify a type property in phpdoc.The [Document](https://github.com/elastic/enterprise-search-php/blob/main/src/AppSearch/Schema/Document.php) class...

Thanks @chrisryan for the support. @M-Brico did you try the suggestion? Thanks.

@M-Brico , @chrisryan I propose the PR #29 to fix issue related to the autodiscovery of HTTP client using Guzzle as default adapter.

Thanks @chrisryan for the feedback. My first intention was to give flexibility to the developers to use any PSR-18 client libraries. Of course, there some some edge cases but I...

@chrisryan I just sent PR #32 for adding a README section and also a `suggest` in composer.

@lisachenko yes, even if late I appreciate your reply, thanks. I think that this library is a great idea and I would love to experiment using it. I'll try to...

@genivaldosilva sorry for my late reply. I noticed that you are using Elasticsearch server version `7.17.13` and elasticsearch-php version `8.10`. You should use the latest version [7.17.2](https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch-php/releases/tag/v7.17.2) of elasticsearch-php since...

I [renamed](https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch-perl/commit/b3e4a35f341df394be6354d28ea553d15cfdd9e8) this file, sorry for the inconvenience. I'll release v8.12.1 soon.

@Kremzon this is happening because the logger is used in the [perform_request()](https://github.com/elastic/elastic-transport-python/blob/main/elastic_transport/_transport.py#L336) function of the transport that is executed by the ``` self._elasticSearch.index(index="my_index", document=body) ``` of your `ElasticsearchHandler`. That means...