redis-gui icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
redis-gui copied to clipboard

Application to manage Redis database

Redis GUI

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Redis GUI is based on the following technologies:

  • electron
  • react
  • mobx
  • ioredis
  • webpack
  • postcss


  1. Create/edit/delete direct, cluster or sentinel connections to Redis
  2. Setting ssh and tls settings for connections
  3. Viewing prefixes and keys in tree structure
  4. Creating new keys and editing or deleting existing key values


Connections list Creating new connection
Creating new key Editing existing key


According to the system theme we use appropriate theme (light or dark) in the applications:

Dark theme Light theme

How to start development

Type the following command to install dependencies:

$ make deps

To run webpack and electron build and type the following command:

$ make dev

How to make a build

To make a final build of js and css codebase type the following command:

$ make build

To make electron build of the whole release use the following command:

$ make electron-rebuild

How to start tests

To start linting tests type the following command:

$ make lint


  1. Name of all files for components should start from lowercase letter and words should be separated by a dash (date-range, multi-action-button).
  2. Code style (eslint, typescript).
  3. For css class names use BEM methodology.


Redis GUI is released under the MIT License.