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sympm allows you to run npm install from inside of a Vagrant virtual machine without hitting symlink issues


Travis NPM

sympm allows you to run npm install from inside of a Vagrant virtual machine without hitting symlink issues due to shared folders. It does so by symlinking your local node_modules/ directory to ~/.sympm/<currentDirBasename>/node_modules/, allowing npm to correctly symlink binaries and other goodies on install.

This tool is not meant to be used outside of a virtual machine.


npm install -g sympm


The commands below should be run within your virtual machine via vagrant ssh.


Creates a symlink from ./node_modules to ~/.sympm/<currentDirBasename>/node_modules and runs npm install. You can then use npm normally with the new symlinked ./node_modules directory.

sympm install


Removes modules installed in ~/.sympm/<currentDirBasename> by running rm -rf ~/.sympm/<currentDirBasename>, and removes the symlinked ./node_modules directory.

sympm uninstall


Removes all modules installed in ~/.sympm/* by running rm -rf ~/.sympm/*.

sympm clean

To remove the symlink, simply rm ./node_modules and you're good to go. To completely uninstall sympm, remove the symlink and then run rm -rf ~/.sympm.


MIT © Ezekiel Gabrielse