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dynamic graph list
Hi, Thanks for a great dashboard!
It would be very nice to have something similar to dynamic parameters but for whole graphs. Something like: "data-dynamic": { "title": "${host) LOAD", "target": "cactiStyle(servers.${host}.loadavg.05,4,"si")", "parameters": { "host": { "type": "dynamic", "query":"servers.*" } } } To get a dashboard with a graph for each host, containing load average.
Graphitus is designed around selection/consolidation rather than explosion (meaning you view multiple hosts on the same graph and can filter by host). @rantav requested something similar and I offered to add an "explode" button next to each drop down which will show a modal window with multiple graphs showing all value permutations of that selection side-by-side. Will this meet your needs?
@erezmazor what I actually wish for is to be able to see the "exploded" view but not by clicking a button, but as a default view, when opening the page. An Explode button is definitely a step forward though, but not exactly what I had in mind. Think of it as iterating over a list of graphs and displaying them at the page.
+1 from me for this. This would make it easy to have a list of graphs with data without having to specify every single graph. We have that situation a lot for >50 graphs often.
+1 I also have a usecase for that. My Metrics are in the follwoing format: server.threadpool.*.{max,active,count}
Now I want a graph for each thead pool name that contains the 3 metrics max active and count.
You can try the branch of my fork I'll keep it up-to-date with master as we are using this internally already.
Glad for any feedback you give.