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JNI wrapper schould not expose jni.h
In the HeaderCheck configuration jni.h is currently ignored, to make the build run. This should be fixed by hiding the implementation details of jni.h.
@jankrassnigg I think this issue is solved, I could not find jni.h
inside the HeaderCheck.h
@ArshErgon this issue still exists. Please read https://ezengine.net/pages/docs/tools/headercheck.html to understand what the header checker is about and how jni.h is a problem.
If you then want to fix the issue, remove jni.h from https://github.com/ezEngine/ezEngine/blob/dev/Code/Engine/Foundation/headerCheckerIgnore.json Then make the neccessary changes (as described in the HeaderChecker documentation) to get rid of the errors when running the HeaderChecker on Foundation.
@Ingrater how I will be running the file? because if I do CMake it gives me an error.
Could not find a package configuration file provided by "Qt5" with any of
the following names:
@ArshErgon you build and run it the same way you did it last time:
- Run GenerateWin64vs2022.bat - that will do everything you need
- Open Workspace\vs2022x64\ezEngine_vs2022x64.sln
- Build with VS
You've done it that way before for your first PR, I don't see why it shouldn't work now. If you are new to C++ please search the internet a bit, we can't hold your hand every step of the way, our time is very limited. Also always look very closely at the full error log. The snippet you posted above might be the final output, but not the part that explains what went wrong.
@ArshErgon once you have build HeaderChecker.exe locally, this is the command line that CI uses: HeaderCheck.exe C:\agent_work\1\s\Code\Engine\Foundation -i C:\agent_work\1\s\Code\Engine -f C:\agent_work\1\s\Code\Engine\Foundation\headerCheckerIgnore.json
You'll have to change the paths to match the ezEngine root on your machine.