Macaw-Examples copied to clipboard
Crash for iOS 13
class NodeRenderer {
weak var view: MView?
fileprivate let onNodeChange: () -> Void
fileprivate let disposables = GroupDisposable()
fileprivate var active = false
weak var animationCache: AnimationCache?
init(node: Node, view: MView?, animationCache: AnimationCache?) {
self.view = view
self.animationCache = animationCache
onNodeChange = { [unowned node, weak view] in
guard let isAnimating = animationCache?.isAnimating(node) else {
if isAnimating {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
view?.setNeedsDisplay() needs to be wrapped with DispatchQueue.main.async {}. If not, we have crash for iOS 13. But after we wrap it, it is very slow when changing color of shape. I found the reason. When changing color of shape, this framework is doing rerendering for whole group using group rendering. Now it needs to be called for main thread as you can see above. But the speed is very slow because of calling main thread much time. How can we fix this issue? Please let me know if you have any thought.
Did you get a fix?