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Idea for postgresql extension highlighting

Open cvvergara opened this issue 7 years ago • 0 comments


I am pgRouting developer, and I would like to add some vim high lighting for the extension. For example, highlight the pgrouting functions names with a color that is not being used for other things in pgsql.vim. Also, we use of some fixed column names that are checked in the pgRouting queries.

SELECT * from pgr_dijkstra($$ SELECT id, foo AS source, bar AS target, cost, reverse_cost 
FROM edge_table$$ ,1, 2)

so for example highlight pgr_dijkstra and also highlight source, target, cost, reverse_cost

The idea that comes to my mind is that when installation of the pgRouting extension is done, also have a

make vim

The pgrouting.vim would be auto generated based on the version signatures. and the command make vim would add that file to the /path/to/syntax/pgrouting.vim

The requirement would be that /path/to/syntax/pgsql.vim must exist. The cmake would look for the pgsql.vim, and extract the directory from it so pgrouting.vim would be installed in the same directory as pgsql.vim

I don't know if the following is possible I would think that pgsql.vim would check if pgrouting.vim exists and add the additional commands for the high lighting.

This is just an idea, @robe2: Maybe have something similar for postGIS extension.

  • its a much bigger project, but the experimenting can be done on the much smaller project that is pgRouting

Also, maybe its something that a GSoC student could develop.


cvvergara avatar Dec 07 '16 00:12 cvvergara