xls copied to clipboard
WorkSheet.Row(i int) method panic
WorkSheet.Row(i int) method panic
0<= j < MaxRow ,why it panic
for i := 0; i < xlFile.NumSheets(); i++ {
if sheet1 := xlFile.GetSheet(i); sheet1 != nil {
for j := 0; j < (int(sheet1.MaxRow)); j++ {
row1 := sheet1.Row(j) // panic
for k := row1.FirstCol(); k < row1.LastCol(); k++ {
fmt.Print(row1.Col(k), "\t")
func (w *WorkSheet) Row(i int) *Row {
row := w.rows[uint16(i)] // sometimes row is nil
row.wb = w.wb
return row
I ran into this problem as well, this is because the row in your excel file is a blank row without any valid cell value and the row is in the middle of all rows. I think this is a bug.
I was having the same issue. The v0.0.1 release has the bug but it was fixed in https://github.com/extrame/xls/commit/7ea8f41efa35bcb7a6bcef1719835b2142166f27#diff-12d0b89bd33127025def81e7519e3efa0184ee7bef5bcd3ca3a83826459f2fb3.
I think we just need to update the version.
Please update this!!!!