xls copied to clipboard
解析xls的时候 格式保护之后 size过大 内存溢出
Please attach sample file.
对新建的xls表格进行如下操作后 https://jingyan.baidu.com/article/597035521917ee8fc00740d0.html
文件workbook.go中 235行
if phonetic_size > 0 {
var bts []byte
bts = make([]byte, phonetic_size)
err = binary.Read(buf, binary.LittleEndian, bts)
if err == io.EOF {
w.continue_apsb = phonetic_size
这个phonetic_size 值会非常大 make([]byte, phonetic_size) 会直接崩掉。
try this fork: https://github.com/sergeilem/xls
您好,试了您的分支,还是出现了 内存溢出 @sergeilem
when xls files are encrypted, there will be a FilePass token (0x2f) ref: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25422599/parse-xls-file-with-protected-protected-workbook
we can stop parsing while reading in this token as a work around solution.
in workbook.go
44 func (w *WorkBook) Parse(buf io.ReadSeeker) {
45 b := new(bof)
46 bof_pre := new(bof)
47 // buf := bytes.NewReader(bts)
48 offset := 0
49 for {
50 if err := binary.Read(buf, binary.LittleEndian, b); err == nil {
51 // stop parsing if this file is encrypted
52 if b.Id == 0x2f {
53 break
54 }
55 bof_pre, b, offset = w.parseBof(buf, b, bof_pre, offset)
56 } else {
57 break
58 }
59 }
60 }
@pcjeff thanks for this workaround! I can still open and see the .xls file contents in LibreOffice as well as edit it, but there's a padlock icon on the sheet tab. I'm not sure how exactly it "protects" the sheet. In my case this bug caused a huge allocation crashing my program with OOM in the end. I'd love to have support for encrypted/protected sheets but until then just skipping such files is acceptable.