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GLSL raymarching within TouchDesigner
GLSL raymarching within TouchDesigner
I'm in process of making templates and video tutorial for helping to do raymarching (RM) in TouchDesigner.
SDF tests.toe — Performance test with two different approaches to sampling coordinates and GLSL code from two different RM tutorials
RM+poly.toe — Shows how to combine polygonal geometry with standard rendering setup with raymarching.
template - basic.toe — Basic raymarcher template for creating everything using vector uniforms
template - basic_v2.toe — Same + shadows and ambient occlusion
template - basic_v3.toe — Same, but different approach for a camera. Now you can use arcball camera COMP (or any other camera COMP) instead of tweaking values manually.
template - array.toe — Variation of a basic raymarcher template for creating geometry from texture buffer array
template - array_v2.toe — Same + shadows and ambient occlusion
template - array_v2.toe — Same, but using arcball camera COMP instead of uniforms. And cubes instead of spheres, now it better shows how to feed a lot of parameters for primitive from TOPs.
tutorial - part 1.toe — Supplementary file for a Part I of the tutorial. Main covered topic is describing a scene for RM using two approaches: basic uniforms and hard-coded variables for creating a geometry and an texture buffer array for using CHOP data in a loop.
tutorial - part 2.toe — Supplementary file for a Part II of the tutorial. Different approaches to do light setup, coloring, reflections and combining raymarching GLSL with traditional rendering (render TOP) + some info about using color buffers.
tutorial - part 3.toe — Supplementary file for a Part III of the tutorial. This one is about different apporoaches to warping a space as an instrument of modifying geometry: trigonometrical functions, gyroids, endless repetitions, kaleidoscopic iterations, fractals and so on.