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Request timeout middleware for Connect/Express

Results 5 timeout issues
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`timedout` is hard to read and looks out of place next to [`headersSent`](https://expressjs.com/en/api.html#res.headersSent), [`statusCode`](https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#responsestatuscode), [`lastModified`](https://expressjs.com/en/api.html) etc. Would it make sense to rename it, or at least add an option to...

The gratipay service is not available any more. So I think it makes sense just removing it.


So far as I understand it, the timeout value is set when you add the `connect-timeout` middleware when initializing the express server, so the same timeout applies to every request...


There are two tests which already cover this code base: 'should accept millisecond timeout' 'should accept string timeout' Both passed - ok.


Hello, I'm facing a bug related to the version of a dependency. If possible update the the package "http-errors" to a newer version 1.6.1 => 2.0.0 ``` TypeError: Cannot read...