multer icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
multer copied to clipboard

Node.js middleware for handling `multipart/form-data`.

Results 183 multer issues
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I have created a translation for developers in my country (Vietnam). It can make them happy in the first time try to use multer.


so i have files with arabic filename when i upload them gives me a wrong string i already read all the issues and i'am not the first with that and...


1 $ npm install express --save up to date, audited 52 packages in 1s 2 packages are looking for funding run `npm fund` for details found 0 vulnerabilities 2 TypeError:...

help wanted

When my endpoint receives an array of pictures, some elements can be null. My issue is multer ignores null values, and it's impossible to me to associate the index with...

help wanted

Hi Express Team, I want to add a new language for the translation in readme and docs and i need your permission to do so. thank you and looking forward...


Hello, This is my File Name - Ferdi Özbeğen - Gündüzüm Seninle.mp3 This is multer originalname - Ferdi O\bzbeg\u0006en - Gu\bndu\bzu\bm Seninle.mp3 Turkish characters are normally supported in UTF-8. How...

When client provides bad `Content-Length` header or does not provide it at all, multer usually returns an error code 400, but in case when this header is missing, you can...


- Let's say I have a config to limit each file's size to 5MB like this: ```javascript import multer from 'multer'; const upload = multer({ storage: multer.memoryStorage(), limits: { fileSize:... **type-is** use media-typer which treats the equal sign "=" as a separator (RFC 2616 sec 3.7). However, in the RFC 2046 Page 21 the boundary value is allows to...
