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HTTP request logger middleware for node.js

Results 34 morgan issues
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This works just fine: ```js var logger = require('morgan'); logger.token('ip', function (req, res) { return req.ip ? req.ip : "" }); logger.token('uuid', function (req, res) { return (req.token ? req.token.uuid...


I have an express server application that handles a few NodeJS API and hosts the Angular 10 app. In production, I use process manager PM2. When the user visits,...

awaiting more info

When using `import` with esm using morgan, I get the following warning message : ```sh morgan deprecated default format: use combined format node_modules\esm\esm.js:1:277757 ``` This does not occur when using...


Finally they completed the show.

Coloring status makes sense for whatever format user wants, not just the internal `dev` one. So using `:status-colored` gives that ability. Had to edit tests because, in master, status coloring...

needs tests
needs rebase

```var``` -->```const```


E.g print the _startTime instead of the finish time when doing date[ISO] ? like startTime[ISO] ?

is there a way to find if the request was made over httpS ? i tried most of the tokens I could see. `:http-version` only shows if the request v1...