flash icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
flash copied to clipboard

Results 10 flash issues
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So according to #12, I decided to add some typescript definitions to flash. But don't thank me yet, I am still working on adding more type definitions. So I'd say...

Hello world, I would like to request a feature: TypeScript support. I am going to to try to pull together a pull request if I can. Thanks!

Hi :smile: I wanted to update a lot of bit the code and the tests but the first thing that I wanted to do was return the flash instance without...

Hi, I have a problem with flashes in twig. I want pop stack of flash and write messages to template. For pop stack i use shift() like written in doc....

By include `app.use(flash())` , a cookie is set on client side even the middleware is not used to set any flash message. This will prevent caching efficiently.

It doesn't say anywhere the difference between this flash version and the popular connect-flash: https://github.com/jaredhanson/connect-flash

Hello, I have this session ``` app.use(session({ secret: 'changeme' , cookie: { secure: false, maxAge: new Date(Date.now() + 3600000), } , resave:false, saveUninitialized:false, store: new SkinStore(db) })); ``` when using...

use while message = flash.shift() get value too cumbersome。 Some values are not my concern I just want error_message value Whether this can be req.flash('message') ? I modified code after...