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Documentation of "route" property of Request

Open machineghost opened this issue 4 years ago • 1 comments

This was moved from:

It is regarding:

The current description of the route property says (emphasis added):

Contains the currently-matched route, a string. For example:

However, it then shows "Example output from the previous snippet", and that previous snippet had only a single console.log in it: console.log(req.route).

One would expect to see a string logged, but what's logged instead is clearly an object:

{ path: '/user/:id?',
   [ { handle: [Function: userIdHandler],
       name: 'userIdHandler',
       params: undefined,
       path: undefined,
       keys: [],
       regexp: /^\/?$/i,
       method: 'get' } ],
  methods: { get: true } }

It seems like of the two must be incorrect, and that the documentation should most likely say something like:

Contains the currently-matched route, an object with method, path, and stack properties. For example:

I'd be happy to PR this, but I don't know this property at all so I don't know if that is the correct fix.

machineghost avatar Aug 22 '19 15:08 machineghost

Yes I think this is a correct change, and a PR to that effect would be great.

wesleytodd avatar Aug 22 '19 17:08 wesleytodd