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Public discussions for the Express.js organization

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### Motivation Express (organization) is one if not the largest project part of the Node.js ecosystem. As such, we impact and can be impacted by the full ecosystem, from specific...

### Motivation Keeping dependencies up to date can provide a lot of comfort for the ecosystem. First of all, following the update and changes may allows the project to be...

### Motivation Performance is key, even more today when all the users want something quickly. But the first step is to be aware of said performance, monitor it and know...

### Motivation Node.js creates new version every years, with a LTS being stable for ~3 years. For example, 20 was created in April 2023, moved to LTS in September 2023...

I'm guessing @expressjs/triagers have `Triage` access right now based on what I have observed as per article 1 linked below. Can't state for sure as I'm not having admin rights...

action item

I know you all are working hard on bringing the new update **Big THANKS 🙏️😇️🥳️🎉️** for that. I would like to demand for the `express.cors` and `express.cookie` middleware just like...


So while responding to #71 I also realized that there is something on the TC backlog that ideally should get done at some point: go through the repositories in the...


I am opening this just as a general issue to get a feeling for what both the TC and the fuller collaborators feel about this: are we interested in having...


After reading the Snyk [Build a Backdoor](https://snyk.io/blog/what-is-a-backdoor/) article I started thinking about what the security policies and measures are in the project. I'm curious to learn more about security practices...


A lot of the issues we get on Multer is really people that want's help with doing specific setups, or integrating with another framework. The issue tracker isn't really the...
