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EFI: Publish and maintain types

Open sheplu opened this issue 4 months ago • 14 comments


Types are widely used in the ecosystem, and requested as shown in the Next-10 survey last year. By providing them directly (or helping the community to provide them) would be a good help for the community. But this can be time consuming and not be perfect with versionning (based on typescript)


Evaluate if we want to provide more type documentation using TS or JSDoc (or other solution)



Part: Technical


Types of the Express ecosystem are “at best” available and working. But they can be greatly improved. By automatically building and publishing types when we release a new version it would greatly help users. The community at scale rely more and more on typing (or the equivalent using JSDoc) and we should work to publish them automatically. Add types inside package Publish dedicated package

sheplu avatar Feb 21 '24 19:02 sheplu

As far I know currently many people use https://www.npmjs.com/package/@types/express. Do we plan to contribute there or just integrate this into our code base?

IMO, anything that we can do to help our community to use Express is a good move, but I don't see a big value as maintainers to rewrite to TS as we already have JSDocs in place (for us and for the community). Also I am not very use to work with TS, so maybe all the plan is smoother than I imagine.

UlisesGascon avatar Feb 22 '24 11:02 UlisesGascon

Historically we have not provided types in the module packages bc 1) almost none of the TC nor the what we would call project captains were interested in writing TypeScript (I for one am not interested at all in writing or maintaining any Typescript l, as I am here for the Javascript and the typeless language) and the bigger point 2) how to actually deal with semver as Typescript still on the regular makes new releases that break existing types in ways they need to be updated, which then breaks them on old Typescript and users get fustrated and the project has to make a bunch of weird releases, which the @types packages have the issue since they are separately versioned.

dougwilson avatar Feb 22 '24 11:02 dougwilson

Is there any advantage of using TS instead of JSDocs? As far as I am aware tsserver works as well with JSDocs as it does with Typescript types, but I'm no expert on the subject.

timodempwolf avatar Feb 22 '24 15:02 timodempwolf

Do we plan to contribute there or just integrate this into our code base?

We are in a bit of a rock/hard place here. Because of their stance on semver I don't think we can really do either well. Since we are strongly committed to semver support, I almost think it is ideal that we take a hands off approach. That said, if we had folks who were really passionate about it and could make a clear case one way or another I would love it. Mainly because I agree that "anything that we can do to help our community to use Express is a good move".

how to actually deal with semver as Typescript still on the regular makes new releases that break existing types

Yep, this is fundamentally the problem. If we take ownership of them it become our problem. And while I agree we should do what we can to help folks using Express, I think a better way would be to JSDoc things and then let the folks on the TS/DT side generate their types from our JSDoc than to actually ship or build the types our self and deal with their bad decisions around semver.

wesleytodd avatar Feb 22 '24 16:02 wesleytodd

As I am thinking about this, maybe the way we could do this "best" is the following:

  1. Add robust JSDoc type annotations to all our packages
  2. Generate a .d.ts file and run a subset of tests against it (tests to specifically validate the types, not the behavior), but don't ship that for users
  3. When those get updated, have some automation which pings someone from DT (need them to agree to that obviously) so they can update

wesleytodd avatar Feb 22 '24 16:02 wesleytodd

I was going through cleaning up other threads in here and found this one: https://github.com/expressjs/discussions/issues/7

wesleytodd avatar Feb 23 '24 17:02 wesleytodd

The major advantages I see of sticking to DT instead of inline types are:

  1. no semver conflation - the JS package doesn't get bumps only for type changes and vice versa, and breaking changes in types don't have to be major bumps in the packge
  2. the TS team helps manage TS compatibility - it's complex to define what TS versions are supported and support multiples, and the DT repo/TS team just handles this

ljharb avatar Feb 23 '24 18:02 ljharb

  1. the TS team helps manage TS compatibility - it's complex to define what TS versions are supported and support multiples, and the DT repo/TS team just handles this

This shouldn't be an issue for legacy software. Active development would use a local version of TS instead (e.g. bundled with VSCode) even with legacy express apps.

fdrobidoux avatar Feb 23 '24 23:02 fdrobidoux

@fdrobidoux I don't follow. Can you explain what you mean? The issue @ljharb is talking about is that if we publish types along with our packages (instead of relying on DT) we then have to deal with all the version compatibility issues. If we let them handle it, they deal with it. Are you trying to say something else?

wesleytodd avatar Feb 26 '24 14:02 wesleytodd

Some extra commentary (some of which already exists here) in #203.

ljharb avatar Feb 29 '24 20:02 ljharb

https://github.com/pillarjs/router/pull/100 https://github.com/pillarjs/router/pull/110 https://github.com/pillarjs/router/pull/107

I was cleaning up the router issues today and came across these. Do we think we need to decide on this before v5? I am still on the fence. I was going around asking folks if they wanted to work on landing things asap but I don't want to promise this unless we have a clear decision on doing this in repo or with DT.

wesleytodd avatar Mar 16 '24 18:03 wesleytodd

My 2 cents on this:

TypeScript brings better DX overall; JSDoc does not bring proper types IMO.

I'd rather have it on the same package if possible, like Fastify did, but devs already know that Express doesn't ship types anyway.

If the TC commits to keeping @types/express up-to-date on the next versions of Express with the community I don't see a problem.

rafaell-lycan avatar Apr 17 '24 14:04 rafaell-lycan

jsdoc checked by TS, with handwritten d.ts files, gives the same quasi-correctness that TS does.

ljharb avatar Apr 17 '24 15:04 ljharb


this is key.

JSDoc does not bring proper types

And neither does typescript if that is a thing you care about.

If the TC commits to keeping @types/express up-to-date on the next versions of Express with the community I don't see a problem.

We need a champion for this. If we have that I am no opposed at all to maintaining the types (either in package or in DT, depending on what the champion decides). The problem is we have never had anyone who signed up to do that. And to be clear, I don't mean signing up to re-write it in TS. I would block that or leave the project if there was consensus and I was the only objector.

wesleytodd avatar Apr 17 '24 18:04 wesleytodd