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Node.js CORS middleware

Results 34 cors issues
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This PR adds support for Private Network Requests via CORS, as described in issue #236. By default this library is allowing all origins, thus in this PR Private Network Requests...


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** I've not seen this mentioned before (apologies if it has come up). Chrome will soon implement this and block any...

awaiting more info

The change was added because some endpoints are called without origin, but we must allow them, so a wishList was added so that they can respond without a cors error....

awaiting more info
needs docs
needs tests

If you put an array in the origin option as shown below, the access-control-allow-origin value is not created in the header. If it's a string type, it works fine. Is...


Hello! I recently started using express on Windows 11 on NodeJS v17.7.2 and NPM v8.5.2. I installed the latest version of Express and am trying to send HTTP requests from...


I have the following line in my code: ``` app.use(express.static("public", { maxAge: "1h" })); ``` Ideally, I'd only allow cors on this route. What would be a good way to...


Would you consider including the types as part of the package? I appreciate that you can get them from the `@types/cors` package, but it would be a nicer dev xp...


Let me preface this by saying that this module works great and seems generally well-thought-out, and it's not at all clear to me what the best practice for exposing `Access-Control-*`...


Closes #233 This is a PR to add a debug to middleware cors.

needs docs

I think It would be great If the cors library used a debug library such as the 'debug' package of npm (the same express uses). I think It would make...