cookie-session icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
cookie-session copied to clipboard

Simple cookie-based session middleware

Results 6 cookie-session issues
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Hello! 👋 Thank you for this package! I'm considering contributing some code. In a project I'm working on I'd like to utilize two separate sessions with different SameSite settings for...

Is it possible to attach flag "Priority=High" into a session cookie? Flag is supported in Chromium based browsers which is used by majority, and it could help avoid being purged...

Enables the user to create arbitrarily many cookie-sessions, whose options can differ. The API design was motivated by ensuring backwards compatibility with v2 (more details in the Discussion below). Fixes:...


I was thinking if we compress the cookie we can fit more stuff into it, or anyway have a lighter cookie in most cases. WDYT?

please add the ability to encrypt cookies.