compression icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
compression copied to clipboard

Node.js compression middleware

Results 33 compression issues
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This pull request attempts to resolve #80 and #46. This PR adds conditional support for callbacks in versions of node that support callbacks. Callbacks will be called on `write` and...

needs rebase

Nothing changed in API and node version support for debug 4.1.1 is compatible with compression node versions.


Hi, I was just experimenting and sent a content with a length of 95785 characters: ``` js res.write("data: "+ content + "\n\n"); res.flush(); ``` I do not receive any message...


It looks like [FF now accepts brotli compression]( I was going to take a stab at implementing a native addon that links libbrotli. Does that seem worthwhile? We could use...


When the response is compressed, alter any ETag response header to make it a weak ETag. This is the easiest solution to deal with ETags. It's also what nginx did...


I am the author of a library called [sse-channel](, which implements server-sent events (SSE). For this to work in an efficient and fast manner, I need to be able to...


The methods 'write' and 'end' don't accept a 'callback' parameter - the underlaying http response stream does. Therefore there is a different runtime behaviour when sending off the data in...


I want compression response body to client always , Whether the client have any Settings。My Client App is poor what can't set any request header, but can handle compression data....


I ran into a problem serving compressed requests to Internet Explorer because of the zlib wrapper included with DEFLATE'd responses which, while correct according to the RFC, is not supported...


It needs to be in it's own repo so it can be well-tested and not need tests polluting this library.
