Mike James

Results 42 comments of Mike James

yes see this link https://github.com/export-mike/react-native-zss-rich-text-editor/tree/ios13 it has one small issue.

Have you followed the android install setup correctly? https://github.com/wix/react-native-zss-rich-text-editor#installation

@arneson keen to make a hard fork? I'm having issues. lets collaborate I have a fork too: https://github.com/export-mike/react-native-zss-rich-text-editor I'm keen to change this to use the recommended react-native-web-view which is...

@arneson where is the change to remove the infinite loop? https://github.com/arneson/react-native-zss-rich-text-editor/commits/master/src/editor.html

ok cool sounds great. basically the fork of the editor I'm using has the ability to render custom buttons. I need to change it to use the react-native-web-view I can...

Yeah great. basically the work I have done so far allows custom components to be rendered. - Need to successfully remove the title editor from the editor if not required....

Bottom 2 points need to be completed.

@arneson https://join.slack.com/t/reactnativezs-ash8421/shared_invite/enQtNTA1NTMxNzE4NDY3LWM3MzQwM2ZkZTEwZjRhMGYyMDBmZTY2ZmMyYmY1ZGU0NGE4OGVjN2M4NTY1MDkyMzFmNzAxMDZlMmU2YmJlYTc Let's move to slack

@arneson https://join.slack.com/t/reactnativezs-ash8421/shared_invite/enQtNTA1NTMxNzE4NDY3LWM3MzQwM2ZkZTEwZjRhMGYyMDBmZTY2ZmMyYmY1ZGU0NGE4OGVjN2M4NTY1MDkyMzFmNzAxMDZlMmU2YmJlYTc

looks like UIWebView has been deprecated. I'll be updating https://github.com/export-mike/react-native-zss-rich-text-editor to use WKWebView.