expo-github-action icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
expo-github-action copied to clipboard

Better error handling

Open ztamizzen opened this issue 1 year ago • 5 comments

Description of the feature

When running eas update --auto (or with other parameters) and expo-version has NOT been specified the script will ask for it to be installed. Then this happens:

2023-04-03T11:28:19.5843952Z [expo-cli] This command requires Expo CLI.
2023-04-03T11:28:19.5844707Z - Exporting...
2023-04-03T11:28:19.5862252Z [expo-cli] Do you want to install it globally [Y/n]?
2023-04-03T11:28:19.5863681Z - Exporting...
2023-04-03T17:27:43.6294933Z ##[error]The operation was canceled.

If you check the times you'll see that the script stops running after GitHub times it out after 6h This is not ideal.


GitHub Actions are not free and a quicker exit of the script would be prefereable.

Additional context

I didn't do anything special other than what is in the examples. And the example specifies expo-version for when using the preview build but it's also necessary when preview is not used, it seems.

ztamizzen avatar Apr 04 '23 11:04 ztamizzen