expo-cli icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
expo-cli copied to clipboard

Error: Apple Service Error -22320. Federated Authentication is required

Open mikemountjoy99 opened this issue 2 years ago • 0 comments


Expected behaviour: Allow login to Apple Developer Account with SSO configured.

Actual behaviour: Login fails

npx eas-cli credentials
npx: installed 321 in 10.349s
✔ Select platform › iOS
✔ Which build profile do you want to configure? › development
✔ Using build profile: development
If you provide your Apple account credentials we will be able to generate all necessary build credentials and fully validate them.
This is optional, but without Apple account access you will need to provide all the missing values manually and we can only run minimal validation on them.
✔ Do you want to log in to your Apple account? … yes

› Log in to your Apple Developer account to continue
✔ Apple ID: … [email protected]
› Using password for [email protected] from your local Keychain
  Learn more: https://docs.expo.dev/distribution/security#keychain
✖ Logging in...
Authentication with Apple Developer Portal failed!
    Error: Apple Service Error -22320. Federated Authentication is required


npx eas-cli build


npx: installed 321 in 10.349s
✔ Select platform › iOS
✔ Which build profile do you want to configure? › development
✔ Using build profile: development
If you provide your Apple account credentials we will be able to generate all necessary build credentials and fully validate them.
This is optional, but without Apple account access you will need to provide all the missing values manually and we can only run minimal validation on them.
✔ Do you want to log in to your Apple account? … yes

› Log in to your Apple Developer account to continue
✔ Apple ID: … [email protected]
› Using password for [email protected] from your local Keychain
  Learn more: https://docs.expo.dev/distribution/security#keychain
✖ Logging in...
Authentication with Apple Developer Portal failed!
    Error: Apple Service Error -22320. Federated Authentication is required

Please specify your device/emulator/simulator platform, model and version

macos 12.5

Error output


EXPO_DEBUG=true npx eas-cli build


npx: installed 321 in 13.927s
✔ Select platform › iOS
- Linking to project @my-account/my-app
✔ Linked to project @my-account/my-app (https://expo.dev/accounts/my-account/projects/my-app)
ios.infoPlist: withIntrospectionBaseMods ➜ withIosBaseMods ➜ withGeneratedBaseMods ➜ withIosInfoPlistBaseMod
ios.infoPlist: withIosExpoPlugins ➜ withPlugins ➜ withStaticPlugin ➜ withVersion ➜ withInfoPlist
ios.infoPlist: withIosExpoPlugins ➜ withPlugins ➜ withStaticPlugin ➜ withBuildNumber ➜ withInfoPlist
ios.infoPlist: withIosExpoPlugins ➜ withPlugins ➜ withStaticPlugin ➜ withUsesNonExemptEncryption ➜ withInfoPlist
ios.infoPlist: withIosExpoPlugins ➜ withPlugins ➜ withStaticPlugin ➜ withScheme ➜ withInfoPlist
ios.infoPlist: withIosExpoPlugins ➜ withPlugins ➜ withStaticPlugin ➜ withRequiresFullScreen ➜ withInfoPlist
ios.infoPlist: withIosExpoPlugins ➜ withPlugins ➜ withStaticPlugin ➜ withOrientation ➜ withInfoPlist
ios.infoPlist: withIosExpoPlugins ➜ withPlugins ➜ withStaticPlugin ➜ withDisplayName ➜ withInfoPlist
ios.infoPlist: withIosExpoPlugins ➜ withPlugins ➜ withStaticPlugin ➜ withGoogle ➜ withInfoPlist
ios.infoPlist: withStaticPlugin ➜ withRunOnce ➜ withDevClient ➜ withGeneratedIosScheme ➜ withInfoPlist
ios.infoPlist: withStaticPlugin ➜ withIosSplashScreen ➜ withPlugins ➜ withStaticPlugin ➜ withIosSplashInfoPlist ➜ withInfoPlist
ios.infoPlist: withFallback ➜ withPlugins ➜ withStaticPlugin ➜ withIosUserInterfaceStyle ➜ withInfoPlist
ios.infoPlist: withFallback ➜ withPlugins ➜ withStaticPlugin ➜ withIosRootViewBackgroundColor ➜ withInfoPlist
ios.infoPlist: withFallback ➜ withPlugins ➜ withStaticPlugin ➜ withIosFacebook ➜ withInfoPlist
ios.infoPlist: withFallback ➜ withPlugins ➜ withStaticPlugin ➜ withIosBranch ➜ withInfoPlist
ios.infoPlist: withFallback ➜ withPlugins ➜ withStaticPlugin ➜ withIosAdMob ➜ withInfoPlist
ios.infoPlist: withFallback ➜ withPlugins ➜ withStaticPlugin ➜ withMaps ➜ withGoogleMapsKey ➜ withInfoPlist
ios.entitlements: withIntrospectionBaseMods ➜ withIosBaseMods ➜ withGeneratedBaseMods ➜ withIosEntitlementsBaseMod
ios.entitlements: withIosExpoPlugins ➜ withPlugins ➜ withStaticPlugin ➜ withAssociatedDomains ➜ withEntitlementsPlist
ios.entitlements: withFallback ➜ withPlugins ➜ withStaticPlugin ➜ withNotificationsEntitlement ➜ withEntitlementsPlist
ios.entitlements: withStaticPlugin ➜ withExpoContacts ➜ withRunOnce ➜ withAccessesContactNotes ➜ withEntitlementsPlist
ios.entitlements: withStaticPlugin ➜ withExpoAppleAuthentication ➜ withRunOnce ➜ withAppleSignInWarning ➜ withEntitlementsPlist
ios.expoPlist: withIntrospectionBaseMods ➜ withIosBaseMods ➜ withGeneratedBaseMods ➜ withIosExpoPlistBaseMod
ios.expoPlist: withExpoUpdates ➜ withStaticPlugin ➜ withRunOnce ➜ withUpdates ➜ withUpdates ➜ withExpoPlist
ios.splashScreenStoryboard: withPlugins ➜ withStaticPlugin ➜ withIosSplashScreenStoryboardBaseMod ➜ withGeneratedBaseMods ➜ withIosSplashScreenStoryboardBaseMod
ios.splashScreenStoryboard: withStaticPlugin ➜ withIosSplashScreen ➜ withPlugins ➜ withStaticPlugin ➜ withIosSplashScreenImage ➜ withIosSplashScreenStoryboard
ios.podfileProperties: withIntrospectionBaseMods ➜ withIosBaseMods ➜ withGeneratedBaseMods ➜ withIosPodfilePropertiesBaseMod
ios.podfileProperties: withIosExpoPlugins ➜ withPlugins ➜ withStaticPlugin ➜ withJsEnginePodfileProps ➜ withPodfileProperties
✔ Using remote iOS credentials (Expo server)

If you provide your Apple account credentials we will be able to generate all necessary build credentials and fully validate them.
This is optional, but without Apple account access you will need to provide all the missing values manually and we can only run minimal validation on them.
✔ Do you want to log in to your Apple account? … yes

› Log in to your Apple Developer account to continue
✔ Apple ID: … [email protected]
› Using password for [email protected] from your local Keychain
  Learn more: https://docs.expo.dev/distribution/security#keychain
✖ Logging in...
Authentication with Apple Developer Portal failed!
    Error: Apple Service Error -22320. Federated Authentication is required

Reproducible demo or steps to reproduce from a blank project


mikemountjoy99 avatar Aug 16 '22 10:08 mikemountjoy99