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Looking for help with documentation
Some more documentation around what props are supported and what they do would be pretty useful along with a short example. The blog post explains why ExNavigator is the way it is but doesn't comprehesively detail all the props. If anyone has suggestions for how to nicely format the docs (w/a preference to legibility more than prettiness) something more than a README would be nice.
Would be good to have a couple sentences comparing ex navigator to navigator. Not sure this comparison is explicit anywhere.
Is this already being worked on @ide ? I am willing to give it a try.
@qbig I have not heard that anyone is currently working on this. Would appreciate your help.
I have made a runnable Example of the most basic version here: https://github.com/Thorbenandresen/ExNavigatorExample
However I currently struggle to implement the top modal example. Jason Brown's part works fine for me, but I have problems with implementing the second ExNavigator. Help appreciated.
react-docgen probably makes the most sense -- we don't want to spend a lot of time updating docs so using the code to generate docs is the most appealing idea to me. Maybe a small usage example outside of the code too, if react-docgen supports that. https://github.com/reactjs/react-docgen
ExNavigator + top modal: https://github.com/Thorbenandresen/ExNavigatorExampleModal
Did this get any traction?