camerja copied to clipboard
Hi. I am trying to use the camera on a project and I've noticed that there is no capture sound on Android. I do not have this problem on iPhone....
I tried editing the script to work with video. Are there any plans to release a video version of this?
After I press the button to take a picture, I hear the shutter snap, but there's no pictures in the Gallery afterwards. I am getting the following warning, but I'm...
I have been trying to get the expo Camera to work and am running up against a wall. When I try to display the camera, it does not show. Likewise,...
Hi Expo Team, I forked this repo for a personal project that I'm not planning on releasing, but I still felt a little unsure of myself in doing so since...
Hi, when i navigate to my Camera component for the first time, the `onCameraReady` method is correctly fired, but when i navigate there again, the `onMountError` method is fired. The...
Hi and thank you! 1. The function in the example is getSupportedRatios rather than the correct function getSupportedRatiosAsync 2. What is ratio meant to do, i tried setting it on...
takePicture = async function() { if ( { if(this.state.recording==false) { Vibration.vibrate();//---->just only work at first time this.setState({ takeIcon:'stop-circle-outline', recording:true, });{"quality":"4:3","maxDuration":10}).then(data => { Vibration.vibrate();//---->every time can work ,good boy. });...
Hi I am getting this error: 14:30:57: [Error: Directory 'file:///data/user/0/host.exp.exponent/files/ExperienceData/%2540anonymous%252Fawesomeproject-61256c9a-b65e-45a2-b7ad-48b3fc298e0a/photos' could not be created.] Directory exists I suppose that the promblem appears when it executes this: componentDidMount() { **FileSystem.makeDirectoryAsync( FileSystem.documentDirectory...
Hi, i'm facing problem, when i take picture, Expo client suddenly stopped without error information snap = async function(){ if ( { => { FileSystem.moveAsync({ from: data, to: `${FileSystem.documentDirectory}photos/Photo_${this.state...