keras-yolo2 copied to clipboard
ValueError: high is out of bounds for int32
~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\imgaug-0.2.7-py3.6.egg\imgaug\ in derive_random_states(random_state, n) 430 431 """ --> 432 seed_ = random_state.randint(SEED_MIN_VALUE, SEED_MAX_VALUE, 1)[0] 433 return [new_random_state(seed_+i) for i in sm.xrange(n)] 434
mtrand.pyx in mtrand.RandomState.randint()
ValueError: high is out of bounds for int32
hi guys got this kind of error in the training part of the Yolo Step-by-Step (Setup a few callbacks and start the training)
Hi Twikkxx, not sure if that helps, I had a similar issue while running keras with imgaug, and it got solved by updating imgaug to the last version. I think there was some bug in the file, where they had defined (in the version I had downloaded) SEED_MAX_VALUE to be 232-1, while now it is 231-1.