Brooklyn Zelenka
Brooklyn Zelenka
Leverage the translation singleton
```solidity function isReason(targetReason, code) function requireCategory(targetCategory, code, message) // ... ```
Feedback may require user input, or be for actions that occurred while the user was AFK. A queue / mailbox may fill a role similar to system notifications on other...
Needed so that codes auto-translate!
NB: Feature requests will only be considered if they solve a pain or present a useful refactoring of the code. # Summary ## Problem `rs-ucan` today doesn't provide descriptive errors...
-- FIXME TODO Make a "Forget/ignore" function? i.e. ensure FooErr -> ensure () -- FIXME a PluckError/RemoveError/HandlesError constraint for Rescue? -- Handles err m n = (Raises err m, MonadRaise...
```haskell -- newtype ErrorLogger m = ErrorLogger -- { unlogger :: Errors m -> LogLevel -> Text -> m () } -- ensureLogM -- :: ( MonadLogger m -- ,...
From a discussion in #230, it would be helpful to have test vectors for all of these keys. One possible solution would be a column next to description that either...