telegram-export copied to clipboard
Always need full path of python and config.ini to run
I have been using Telegram for years. Searching for telegram exporter every year. I am just surprised to find this awesome tool. Now I can rely to telegram chat to track my activities without worrying on how to export it.
I spent 20 minutes to figure it out how it works. It's always produce error massages every time I run. Even I have read the README carefully. re-read it again.
The problem solved when I saw this issue. It used full path to .config.ini
I have to use full python path and config.ini in order to make telegram-export run well ( even I have virtualenv activated)
$ python3 /home/user/.virtualenvs/global_py3/bin/telegram-export --config-file /home/user/.config/telegram-export/config.ini
Should we put this info in readme, so other doesn't get lost ?
Thank you for this awesome app.
Thanks, if you install it locally for your user, /home/user/.virtualenvs/global_py3/bin/
probably is not in your PATH
variable. But perhaps the
should indeed make more emphasis in this fact.
I had nearby the same issue. On windows, I had to set backslashes instead of forward slashes and I made some minor changes for the filename. MediaFilenameFmt = usermedia{name}-{context_id}{type}-%%Y-%%m-%%d-%%H%%M%%S%%f instead of MediaFilenameFmt = usermedia/{name}-{context_id}/{type}-{filename} maybe a small change in default config.ini might help the next windows user.
an other advice set the whitelist with id you need. (yours and the ones of your contacts). You may receive pictures of unknown but existing Telegram users! it is imho also a security issue for Telegram.
i set also MaxSize = 1GB and set ApiId and ApiHash to mine.
Thank you for this awesome app.
I will close this. since @Lonami aware of this issue. Next step is to emphasis this in README.
We prefer to leave this open to remind us that the issue must be addressed.