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Harbinger Threat Intelligence
Harbinger Threat Intelligence
Domain/IP/Hash threat feeds checker. Will check http://ipvoid.com, http://urlvoid.com, https://cymon.io and https://virustotal.com
Install required packages with
pip install -r requirements.txt
You can put API keys inside a script.
Results will be saved as json files for file analysis mode or printed on screen for single item.
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Threat Intelligence
usage: harbinger.py [-h] [-i IP] [-d DOMAIN] [-a HASH] [-fd FILE_DOMAIN]
[-fi FILE_IP] [-fh FILE_HASH] [--api API] [--vtapi VTAPI]
Domain/IP/Hash threat feeds checker. Will check ipvoid, urlvoid, virustotal
and cymon.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i IP, --ip IP ip address to check
-d DOMAIN, --domain DOMAIN
domain to check
-a HASH, --hash HASH hash to check
-fd FILE_DOMAIN, --file-domain FILE_DOMAIN
file with domain list to check. One per line.
-fi FILE_IP, --file-ip FILE_IP
file with ip list to check. One per line.
-fh FILE_HASH, --file-hash FILE_HASH
file with hashes(MD5,SHA1,SHA256) to check. One per
--api API Optional api key for Cymon
--vtapi VTAPI Virustotal api key.